Our priorities are better neighborhoods, better transit and better urbanism.

HOUSTON is a great city, but that it can become even better, as we compete in the 21st century global marketplace. We are a young, diverse, with enormous potential, and yet, as rapid growth continues, we face many challenges. We believe that growth should, and can, improve rather than diminish our quality of life.

WE STAND FOR better neighborhoods, better transit and better urbanism.
We are committed to better neighborhoods – the protection, improvement and revitalization of our neighborhoods, especially those experiencing physical and social decline. We support a results-driven livable neighborhoods program, with strong community involvement, and support from government and the private sector. Neighborhoods must have safe, walkable streets, housing choices, local jobs and businesses, good schools, and accessible parks, community facilities and transit. Healthy neighborhoods are essential to our sustainable future.

We are committed to better transit – the planning and building of a world-class public transit system, particularly expanded rail transit, and related transit-oriented development, creating a more convenient, walkable, sustainable and exciting urban environment. A great transit system is essential to our sustainable future.

We are committed to better urbanism – a city of walkable, transit-served urban centers, districts, and neighborhoods, with vibrant public places, linked by rail transit. The City, utilizing its tools and incentives, working with the private sector, has a key role to play in facilitating better urbanism, including development of special districts and catalytic projects in strategic locations. High quality urban development is essential to our sustainable future.

TO ACHIEVE THESE GOALS, we will facilitate a new level of civic involvement, and work to build consensus for smart development policies, programs and projects. We will provide innovative strategic thinking about how the city and region grow, learning from best practices, to find innovative but practical solutions to our challenges.

WE RECOGNIZE that the quality and character of the built environment influences human behavior, social interaction, and the marketplace, and that exceptional neighborhoods, transit and urbanism are essential to Houston’s sustainable future.

WE THEREFORE, as signers of THIS CHARTER, affirm our commitment to realizing this mission of BetterHouston.





Our goal is a more prosperous, efficient, inclusive, green and livable city.

BetterHouston will provide the knowledge, tools and innovative ideas for our diverse community to unite in realizing this vision of a sustainable future.